This Quarter

ere are our weekly listings for the spring months. Watch this list for further details to be filled in and other possible updates.

4/5 | Songs for Early Spring: Music on a seasonal note from Murray Kyle, Spell Songs, Ellika Solo Rafael, and more. A brief remembrance of Jesse Colin Young. |
4/12 | Silk Road Ensemble: Music by The Silk Road Ensemble led by YoYo Ma and Rhiannon Giddens. Highlighted will be the new Silk Road Ensemble release, American Railroad, a project that illuminates the impact that African-American, Chinese, Irish, Native American, and other immigrant communities had on the creation of the U.S. Transcontinental Railroad. |
4/19 | Earth Day: Songs calling on us to honor and protect the earth and its waters. |
4/26 | Darol Anger & Bruce Molsky Live in Concert: Two great fiddlers joined forces recently and performed selections from their latest release, Lockdown Breakdown. This concert was recorded on February 16, 2025 in Berkeley. |
5/3 | West Coast: A range of musicians from Washington, Oregon, and California. |
5/10 | Martin Carthy & Eliza Carthy: (encore broadcast) |
5/17 | Songs of Healing: Songs of healers (Mary Isis, Rosi Lalor, Claudia Cuentas), music from Andean and Amazonian traditions, and a brief look at the 432 Hz middle A, through the ears of a couple of its proponents, Zumusic and Tamara Hernández Shalá. |
5/24 | Memorial Day: Remembering the casualties of war. From Ireland, music by Daori Ferrell, Andy Irvine & Paul Brady, and Lúnasa with Natalie Merchant. From England, Maddy Prior and June Tabor. From this country, Cherish the Ladies and Boiled In Lead. |
5/31 | On-Air Folk Festival: It’s our bi-annual folk festival—five hours of continuous live music showcasing the talents of Bay Area musicians. |
6/7 | Dynamic Duos: Great pairing of musicians from all over. |
6/14 | Continental—Points East: Music of Europe, with an emphasis on Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece. |
6/21 | Remembering Gabriel Yacoub: The great French singer-guitarist passed away earlier this year. He and his band Malicorne spearheaded the French folk revival of the 70s and 80s. We’ll hear an encore broadcast of a special program with Gabriel Yacoub reflecting back on his career. |
6/28 | Summer Solstice: Music in tune with the longest day. |
All of creation is a song.... Everything is vibration. Everything—sound, physical matter, it’s all vibration, it all has
a frequency, right? And so, everything is created by vibration and music is a way that we get to consciously shape vibration for a certain intention. Like
we can infuse our intention into the vibration of the songs we sing...and that will emanate.
—Sierra Marin
A tone is at the foundation of everything in the physical world.... All objects have a spiritual tone at the foundation of their being,
and, in our deepest nature, we are ourselves such a spiritual tone.
—Rudolf Steiner
The things we interpret as colours, scents, flavours or physical objects are just specific frequencies of vibrations, sounds that
are foreign to auditory perception but are perceived by the remaining senses. After all, science, initially with the equation E = mc2 and
then with the theory of superstrings, has come to the conclusion that our world is nothing
but an immense symphony of vibrations and that physical matter is merely our way of interpreting some of them.
—Riccardo Tristano Tuis