But all is well! After our recent reorganization:
- All pages with “frame” as part of their name, such as mainframe.html or playframe2.html, are gone, but they were just organizing devices that weren’t much help in saving meaningful locations anyway.
- Everything else is still here, but all files have a .php extension instead of an .html extension; for instance, the main playlist page (reachable through the Playlists button on the left or via the mobile menu button on the upper left), which used to be named playlist.html, is now playlist.php, and the playlist for January 7, 2012, for example, which used to have the name 120107.html, is now named 120107.php.
- Our home page (via the Home button to the left) is now www.kalwfolk.org/home.php.
- We have a new Search page that may help you locate a program name or a particular artist or song name in a playlist.
- You’re as good as Home on this page! Everything is accessible through the button bar.